Pot Blind is the fan-favorite cash rummy game that offers great joy along with some huge money rewards to its players. Being better in terms of winning solely, Pot Bling is a card game that is slightly different from Teen Patti. Unlike the latter, Pot Blind makes its players reveal some of their cards as the game advances and the betting amounts then increase significantly too. This makes Pot Blind a better card game that pays way more than Teen Patti.
Teen Patti is inclined more towards the fun of guessing your opponent's cards and making strategies for the same. On the other hand, the Pot Blind online card game is more of a money-making machine if your luck is good enough. Rather than creating plans, this game relies on luck and the ability to decide when to give up and when to continue a game. Thus, Pot Blind is a great cash rummy that you must not miss out on. To play Pot Blind and other cash rummy games, download the Teen Patti Craze app today.